Interesting Facts about Acupuncture Energy Flow.
Twelve standard meridians
The twelve standard meridians, also called Principal Meridians, are divided into Yin and Yang groups. The Yin meridians of the arm are Lung, Heart, and Pericardium. The Yang meridians of the arm are Large Intestine, Small Intestine, and Triple Burner. The Yin Meridians of the leg are Spleen, Kidney, and Liver. The Yang meridians of the leg are Stomach, Bladder, and Gall Bladder.
The table below gives a more systematic list of the twelve standard meridians
ORGAN ENERGY FLOW - A flow of energy in organs happen according to daily rotation of Earth about its axis and also annual rotation around the sun as hetero and homo types. In hetero type
in AM
3 - 5 lungs, 5-7 LI, 7-9 st, 9-11 spleen, 11-1 heart,
in PM 1-3 SI, 3-5 UB, 5-7 kidney, 7-9 pericardium, 9-11 triple warmer,
11-1 GB, and 1-3 liver,
energy flows in the organs.. However, in homo type, Feb - gall bladder, March - liver, April - SI, May - heart, June - triple warmer, July - pericardium, Aug - stomach, Sept - spleen, Oct - LI, Nov - lungs, Dec - UB, Jan - kidney,
The energy flows in the organs. In different ages of human beings like
wind - 0 - 16, heat - 17 - 32,
hotness 33 - 48,
humidity 49 - 64
dryness 65 - 80
coldness 80 - 96 years,
Sathya Clinic
51/2 Chenthurpuram Mainroad,